Richard James talks personal style: Part Two

The tailor’s second style instalment reveals Mark Rothko, Donald Sutherland and Diana Ross

My style icon is Donald Sutherland in the 1970s film Don’t Look Now. It is set in Venice – my favourite city – and his tweedy look was perfect for the times, but is also spot-on for today.

The sight that inspires me is that from the water in Venice. I go two or three times a year. In the winter I love to stay at The Gritti Palace, and in the summer at The Cipriani. I find that just sitting on the terraces and watching the world go by is very calming. The light in winter is particularly beautiful. The Cipriani, Giudecca 10, 30133 Venice (+39041-240 801; The Gritti Palace, Campo Santa Maria del Giglio 2467, 30124 Venice (+39041-794 611;

Donald Sutherland in Don’t Look Now, 1973 | Image: Rex Features/Everett Collection

Donald Sutherland in Don’t Look Now, 1973 | Image: Rex Features/Everett Collection

The people I rely on for personal grooming and health are Kieran, my personal trainer at Home House, who leads me through mat exercises that are designed to strengthen my back, and Matt Mulhall, a stylist who has cut my hair for the past 25 years. Home House, 20 Portman Square, London W1 (020-7670 2000; Matt Mulhall, 020-7706 8200.

The one artist whose work I would collect if I could is Mark Rothko. His mix of colours is just magical; from the lighter, warmer periods to his later, darker works that feature deep violet, black and grey. I think his paintings are perfection.

The best gift I’ve given recently was a pair of Converse trainers that I decorated with Swarovski crystals. They were for a friend who lives in the South of France and are incredibly sparkly – perfect for going on boats. My intention was to make them as glam as possible.

And the best gift I’ve received recently was a pair of tickets to A Chorus Line at the London Palladium. They were a gift from a friend with whom I was reminiscing about the original production from more than 30 years ago, so these tickets were a lovely, thoughtful surprise. 8 Argyll Street, London W1 (0844-412 2957;


View of the Piazza San Marco from The Cipriani Hotel, Venice

The last music I downloaded was Baby Love by The Supremes. I love anything to do with Motown and I think Diana Ross is fantastic. I once sat next to her at the Beverly Hills Hotel, so I am very happy to have this album on my playlist.

My favourite websites are focused on fashion and design. I visit Ten Magazine regularly for the latest trends and designer updates. I find the tone to be quite funny. I also like getting daily updates on everything from style to politics on British GQ.    

Tiptree Gooseberry Conserve

Tiptree Gooseberry Conserve

In my fridge you’ll always find Skippy peanut butter – I alternate between crunchy and smooth varieties – as well as Poilâne bread. I also keep Tiptree Gooseberry Conserve on hand, as well as milk and a good bottle of sancerre. Poilâne, 46 Elizabeth Street, London SW1 (020-7808 4910; Skippy, Tiptree,

The best souvenir I’ve brought home is glassware from Venice that was designed by the late Gianni Versace. I purchased some of his colourful pieces at Venini and they serve as decorative objects in my home. San Marco 314, Piazzetta Leoncini, 30124 Venice (+39041-522 4045;

The last accessory that I added to my wardrobe was a pair of proper leather brogues of my own design. These are heavy, dark-brown shoes that are perfect for winter. £365;

If I had to limit my shopping to one neighbourhood in one city, I’d choose Mayfair in London. My shops are located there, but it is also home to wonderful purveyors such as Allens butcher on Mount Street, where I like to buy lamb chops. I also purchase unusual books at Heywood Hill, a well-edited shop with a pleasant atmosphere. And I am a fan of Dover Street Market – the Rose Bakery on the top floor is a wonderful find. Allens, 117 Mount Street, London W1 (0844-880 2460; Heywood Hill, 10 Curzon Street, London W1 (020-7629 0647; Dover Street Market, 17-18 Dover Street, London W1 (020-7518 0680;

If I weren’t doing what I do, I would be a photographer. I studied it at art school and it was my first love. I am particularly partial to the work of Bruce Weber and Guy Bourdin. So if I weren’t designing clothes, I’d likely be doing some sort of fashion photography.


Richard James talks personal style: Part One


Connecticut’s cabinet of curiosities